Ashley Elston



Ashley Elston is the daughter of an attorney and grew up surrounded by talk of court cases, crazy clients, and the law in general, all of which triggered the ideas in her legal thrillers. She has a liberal arts degree from Louisiana State University and lives in Shreveport, Louisiana with her husband and three young sons.




10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
State Library of Louisiana, 2nd Floor Meeting Room
The Plot Thickens: YA Mystery and Intrigue

11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
B&N Jr. Tent
Book Signing

3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
State Library of Louisiana, Teen HQ
Book to Screen Trivia
Ages 11 and up


This is Our Story

No one knows what happened that morning at River Point. Five boys went hunting. Four came back. The boys won’t say who fired the shot that killed their friend; the evidence shows it could have been any one of them.

Kate Marino’s senior year internship at the District Attorney’s Office isn’t exactly glamorous—more like an excuse to leave school early that looks good on college applications. Then the DA hands her boss, Mr. Stone, the biggest case her small town of Belle Terre has ever seen. The River Point Boys are all anyone can talk about. Despite their damning toxicology reports the morning of the accident, the DA wants the boys’ case swept under the rug. He owes his political office to their powerful families.

Kate won’t let that happen. Digging up secrets without revealing her own is a dangerous line to walk; Kate has her own reasons for seeking justice for Grant. As she and Stone investigate—the ageing prosecutor relying on Kate to see and hear what he cannot—she realizes that nothing about the case—or the boys—is what it seems. Grant wasn’t who she thought he was, and neither is Stone’s prime suspect. As Kate gets dangerously close to the truth, it becomes clear that the early morning accident might not have been an accident at all—and if Kate doesn’t uncover the true killer, more than one life could be on the line…including her own.


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