Ruby Jean Simms



Ruby Jean Simms was a member of the first graduating class from Scotlandville Junior/Senior High.  She later earned a bachelor of science, a bachelor of arts, and a master of education from Southern University, and a doctorate of education from Louisiana State University.  As a professor at Southern, she has earned numerous awards, including “Teacher of the Year”, awards for Excellence in Teaching and Research, and contributed to 15 publications and 25 creative works.  Simms was recently inducted into Scotlandville Magnet’s Hall of Fame for public service to the Scotlandville community and beyond.



2 p.m. to 2:45 p.m
Capitol Park Museum, Third Floor
Book Talk

3 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Barnes & Noble Bookselling Tent
Book Signing


Images of America: Scotlandville

A rural village that was once the entry point for the slave trade and home to a cotton plantation, Scotlandville became the largest majority African American town in Louisiana. Located in the northern part of East Baton Rouge Parish, Scotlandville’s history is intricately tied to Southern University and A&M College System, the only historically black university system in the United States. Southern University relocated from New Orleans to the bluff of the Mississippi River on the western edge of Scotlandville in 1914. The story of the university and town is a tale of triumph and struggle in the midst of racism, inequality, and oppression. Presented through the theme of firsts in businesses, churches, schools, residential developments, environmental issues, politics, social organizations, and community service, Images of America: Scotlandville focuses on the people who shaped the community economically, politically, socially, and culturally.


Book-loving volunteers are essential to the Louisiana Book Festival's success. Whether it's escorting authors, guiding visitors, selling refreshments, working with children in the Young Readers Pavilion or other fun and rewarding assignments, the Louisiana Book Festival wants you to join the volunteer team.

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