Zachary Richard



Born and raised in southwest Louisiana, Zachary Richard is best known as a singer-songwriter and musician, having recorded 20 albums, including gold and platinum records. He also is a published poet, the author of three children’s books and founder of Action Cadienne, an organization dedicated to promoting Louisiana’s Acadian culture.


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Histoire des Acadiennes et des Acadiens de la Louisiane

Le sud-ouest de la Louisiane est l’endroit qui regroupe la plus forte concentration de descendants acadiens en dehors des provinces maritimes du Canada. Ce livre retrace l’histoire de ce peuple formé par des pionniers venus de la France au début du 17e siècle. Il raconte l’expérience coloniale, les épreuves de la Déportation et l’exil. Il décrit l’arrivée des premiers Acadiens en Louisiane et l’évolution de leur société le long des bayous. Enfin, il fournit un portrait de la culture cadienne de la Louisiane en présentant certaines de ses traditions populaires et le développement de ses institutions artistiques contemporaines.

Inspired by an earlier volume published in New Brunswick dealing with the history of the  area’s Acadian community, this work shares the same history as the Acadians of the Canadian Maritimes up to the Deportation of 1755. At that point, Histoire des Acadiennes et Acadians de la Louisisane follows the route of exile that brought the Acadians to Louisiana. It studies the evolution of the Acadian community in Louisiana and furnishes a portrait of contemporary Cajun culture through its social traditions and artistic expression. Although intended for French immersion students in Louisiana studies (8th grade), this book is a comprehensive overview of Acadian and Cajun history and culture. Rich in archival images and captivating photography, the book is a beginner’s guide to Louisiana’s Acadian and Cajun experience.


Book-loving volunteers are essential to the Louisiana Book Festival's success. Whether it's escorting authors, guiding visitors, selling refreshments, working with children in the Young Readers Pavilion or other fun and rewarding assignments, the Louisiana Book Festival wants you to join the volunteer team.

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